This is another amazing story of God's perfect
wisdom.I was prompted by the Lord one afternoon,
to have coffee at a certain shop and to take along
some floral blessings. I had scarcely sat down,
when someone came and sat at the next table.
She proceeded to explain that she had just lost
a loved one and was ailing. Needless to say, I
gave her the floral blessings I had brought along,
to comfort her.She continued to express her gratitude
and her conviction that the empty table and this
meeting was set up by God.
What a blessing!
wisdom.I was prompted by the Lord one afternoon,
to have coffee at a certain shop and to take along
some floral blessings. I had scarcely sat down,
when someone came and sat at the next table.
She proceeded to explain that she had just lost
a loved one and was ailing. Needless to say, I
gave her the floral blessings I had brought along,
to comfort her.She continued to express her gratitude
and her conviction that the empty table and this
meeting was set up by God.
What a blessing!